Due to seasonal purchase volume, we cannot guarantee the products you receive an estimate for will be available by the time you submit your purchase order or check. If the products do go out of stock, it may take 6-8 weeks before they become available again. If you want to guarantee your purchase and 2-3 week delivery, please purchase your products with a credit card on our online store.
Do you represent a school, library, business or organization that needs to pay with a purchase order? Or are you an individual who needs to pay by check?
We have a separate online form that you may use to purchase items. Please do not use our online shopping cart. Instead, click here to view the purchase order/pay by check form.
Download our W-9. If you need to set us up as a vendor, please email any forms to customerservice@littlefreelibrary.org
NOTE: Schools and libraries are eligible for special discounts! See details.Â
You should use the separate purchase order form if:
- You represent an organization or group that cannot pay with a credit/debit card or PayPal account
- You are an individual who cannot pay with a credit or debit card online
- You need to receive an invoice before you may submit payment
- You need to upload a purchase order
- You are purchasing 4 or more Libraries and would like to claim your 10% discount
Please click here to view and fill out the purchase order/pay by check form.
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